Here is a great article by Eric Corey Freed, the Organic Architect, in Natural Home magazine on the next 10 years in green building. (I know Eric from multiple meetings and see him frequently at events in the office we share with Architecture for Humanity.)
Michelle Kaufmann, Sarah Susanka, and other well-known luminaries from the green building community share their views on green and the current housing market. As a strong advocate of integrated design, manufacturing and building systems, I was encouraged by Pliny Fisk's reference to the need for DfM, "From an industry standpoint it needs to be Designed for Manufacturing (DfM), and industry protocol that forces you to think from the start about how you are going to make something—what the tools are, the manufacturing technique." After reading the article I immediately called "The Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems" in Austin where Pliny is the co-director to request information on what they believe defines DfM. Will they send references to BIM and CAM/CNC production, or advocate exclusively less technical building systems such as straw bale and rammed earth systems? I will post appropriately.
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