Here is a great chart from the current issue of my favorite news magazine, the
Economist. Take a look at the Irish, UK, and Spanish markets. The states isn't so bad in comparison.
Switzerland is not only one of the few appreciating markets, it stands out for its lack of volatility and stability over decades and centuries. This is both a blessing and a curse for the architects and builders in that market. It is also hyper-competitive with over 400 very advanced computer-aided manufacturers in a country of only 7.7 million people. My Swiss friends continually tell me about it. We have a lot to learn from Switzerland. They also have about 10,000 buildings certified to their
Minergie standard (somewhat similar to the Passiv Haus standards).
Take a look at one of the best builders in Switzerland,
Hector Egger (in German). Be sure to look at the l
ive webcam feed - remember the time difference.